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Be fit academy

Be Fit Academy offers a unique concept of exercise programs. Our philosophy is to bring out the healthy aspect of the exercise. Some movements or even exercises may not be helpful to our body. For this reason, our mission is to replace these unhealthy movements and make from the exercise a powerfull tool to achieve greater physical and mental well-being of our clients. The results are always visible in personal and professional life, including every company our clients make up.

Our mission

Be in move to be better. For the human body is common to move. If the body does not move, it gets weak. Surely you know the feeling that your lumbar area or muscles supporting your cervical spine is saying “hello” after all day behind your laptop. Every pain is the body’s reaction to an action that precedes the pain. This could be a long or poor seating on the chair, incorrect placement of the monitor, wrong height of the table or chair. Stiffness is an equally strong enemy of the human body. As young children, we all did a perfect squat, we were able to put our feet behind our heads, or we could lie on our backs for long minutes with our feet in the air. Over time, we have lost this perfect mobility and flexibility through poor physical habits and the trends of modern times. Our mission is to restore these lost skills to your body.

Be Fit Academy Team

Our team makes people who loves sport and movement whatever it takes! Our coaches have many experiences in fitness and they are also succesfull in their sport life. We really make an impact on healhy part of excercise and for all members of our team it is a priority in individual lessons and group lessons!


Who is in the team:

Ing. Radek Dvořáček

My specialization :

Fitness, compensation and endurance training, OCR training and preparation for races, Run training, Power training, Body transformation, Sport and wellness weekends

My sport education: 

  • Instruktor fitness (2013) – FitPraha
  • TRX (2014) – FitPraha
  • BOSU (2014) – FitPraha
  • Functional training (2014) – Trenérská škola P. Stacha
  • Running and regeneration (2014) – Trenérská škola P. Stacha
  • CORE, Funcional knees and footsa (2015) – SVVAT
  • AA Freediving Level II (2016) – Apneablue
  • Kineziotaping (2016) – FitPraha
  • Enter the Kettlebell (2017) – Železná Koule
  • Primal move level 1 (2019) – Arena Pavly Kladivové

My sport achievements:

Participant of European Championchip OCR, multiple winner of relay Gladiator Race

My hobby:

Hiking, Climbing, Freediving, Movies


E-mail: radek@befitacademy.cz

Phone: +420 718 618 702




Ing. Martin Vošahlík

My specialization:

Fitness, compensation and endurance training, Triathlon preparation, Run training, Bodystyling, BFA Projects

My sport education:

  • Instruktor fitness (2019) – FitPraha
  • Coaching

My sport achievements:

Many times finisher of Ironman 70.3, Finisher of plenty marathons, participant of ultramarathon races

My hobby:

Triatlhon, Nature, Garden, Hiking, Environment 


E-mail: martin@befitacademy.cz
Phone: + 420 602 780 042